Game Of Thrones Cookbook Lets You Explore The Cuisine Of Westeros

game of thrones cookbook

What’s inside the Game Of Thrones cookbook? Game Of Thrones was an HBO original series that ended four years ago and fans are still living attached to the magical world of dragons and powerful royals. There are several souvenirs made from that hit epic series. Collectibles are scattered all over the world and one of … Read more

Placebo Effect: Origin & Medical Explanation

placebo effect

What is the Placebo Effect? Here is the origin of the term “placebo” and the explanation of the placebo effect when it comes to the medical field. In Latin, placebo means “I will please”. The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) explains this term as “the first word of the first antiphon of vespers in the Office for … Read more

Taylor Swift: What’s The Most Expensive Music Video Of Pop Star

taylor swift

What’s the most expensive music video of Taylor Swift? Pop star Taylor Swift made a music video that cost millions of dollars and this is considered as her most expensive among the music videos she created so far. Taylor is known for her lyricism and her way of making her art intriguing and at the … Read more

Healthy Cholesterol Foods: Include These In Your Diet

healthy cholesterol

Here are the foods that can give you a healthy cholesterol level Include these foods in your diet considered healthy cholesterol because they are very beneficial for your body. Cholesterol is something that makes a lot of people afraid when it comes to their health. It is known by many that cholesterol is harmful to … Read more

Dog Heat Stroke Symptoms

dog heat stroke

Here are the signs of dog heat stroke Dog heat stroke can be deadly and these are the things you need to know about this condition that might happen to your pet. Mondrian Contreras, DVM, a veterinary expert with Pumpkin Pet Insurance said that heat stroke dogs are usually not obvious but it can be … Read more

Frozen Movie: Cool Facts About This Disney Animated Film

frozen movie

Here are the cool things about the Frozen movie Frozen Movie – In November 2013, Disney released the movie about the adventure of two sisters in finding the value of real love. This movie is considered one of the highest-grossing animated films of all time with almost $1.3 billion worldwide but its sequel Frozen II earned more at the … Read more

Breathing Underwater: How Long A Person Can Last?

underwater breathing

Breathing underwater is a challenging thing to do if you are not trained Breathing Underwater – A person can last this long underwater even though normally, a person can hold his or her breath for just 30 seconds. The human body is an amazing creation. As they say, humans are very adaptable organisms who have … Read more