Heart Emoji Meanings: A Guide On How To Use These Emojis (Basic)

Here are the heart emoji meanings that you should know

Heart Emoji Meanings – Many emojis are being used as part of communication through phone or social media but do you know the proper uses of these different emojis?

Right now, there are more than 40 emojis that use a heart, based on the article in Reader’s Digest. Here is a guide on how to use these most common heart emojis to convey a message to the other person.

Red heart – This is the most common among the heart emojis and you can use this anytime you want to convey a positive emotion.

heart emoji meanings

Pink heart – This heart emoji that was just introduced in 2022 is quickly becoming popular. You can also use this to convey any positive emotion. However, take note that it is without the potential romantic connotation to avoid misconceptions. There are quite a lot of misconceptions about social media.

Blue heart – This emoji is popular among brands and marketers online and you can also show this to show love for a certain brand or product.

Light blue heart – To convey or represent friendship and feelings of warmth, you can use this emoji.

Gray heart – This is among the newest additions and this is used to express muted or somber affection or in conjunction with something gray that you love.

Green heart – This heart emoji is surprisingly popular online and this is being used in conjunction with other green emojis. You can use this to show love for something green or make a post about Christmas or St. Patrick’s Day.

Yellow heart – This is the most “neutral” heart emoji. To show a positive emotion in the least offensive way possible, you can use this emoji.

Orange heart – It is the top 17 most-used heart emojis. You can use this emoji to celebrate Halloween or simply because it is your favorite color.

Purple heart – On Twitter in 2020, this is the third most-used heart emoji and it is because of Army, the fandom of the K-pop group BTS. Aside from BTS-related posts, you can also use this about the Purple Heart military medal.

Brown heart – This is the least favorite heart emoji because of the other popular brown emoji but you can use this to identify as a person of color or in support of Black and brown people.

Black heart – This is considered as classic as it is the first emoji that popped on black-and-white phones in Japan in the 90s. To show your own current mood or to show empathy for someone who is suffering, you can use this emoji. This can also be used in aesthetic posts like a black outfit.

White heart – It is commonly used to express condolences when a person lost a loved one. Aside from showing sympathy using this emoji, you can also use this in aesthetic posts, paired with other white emojis.

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