DOUBLE STANDARD: Facts About This Behavior in Philippine Society


DOUBLE STANDARD – Here are some important facts about this behavior that can be observed in the Philippine society. Double standards frequently promote inequality and can cause dissatisfaction and unfairness for those who are affected by them. It refers to the application of different sets of principles or rules to similar situations or people in … Read more

CRAB MENTALITY: Negative Effects of This Harmful Mindset

Crab Mentality

CRAB MENTALITY – Here are the negative effects of this harmful mindset and characteristic to an individual’s life. Crab mentality is a term that describes a certain type of negative behavior, often observed in groups or communities. The concept is derived from the way crabs behave when they are in a bucket. Instead of helping … Read more

FILIPINO COURTESY: Etiquette & Respect Culture in the Philippines


FILIPINO COURTESY – Here are some common etiquette and respect culture in the Philippines that are being preserved until now. Courtesy refers to polite behavior, respect, and consideration for others. It includes various actions, words, and attitudes that show kindness and understanding in social interactions. Being courteous can involve simple acts such as saying “please” … Read more

KURIPOT ATTITUDE: Facts About This Filipino Trait


KURIPOT ATTITUDE – Here are some important facts that you need to know about this Filipino trait. The term “kuripot attitude” originates from the Filipino language, where “kuripot” means being frugal with money. A person with a kuripot attitude is extremely cautious and hesitant to spend money, often even on necessities or reasonable expenses. Kuripot … Read more

Misconceptions About Japan

misconceptions about japan

Here are the misconceptions about Japan Misconceptions About Japan – The Land of the Rising Sun is one of the most progressive countries in Asia, however, not everything that people think about his country is true. Here are the common misconceptions of many people about this country, based on that video from Mental Floss. Japan … Read more

HIYA FACTOR: Things You Need to Know About This Filipino Trait


HIYA FACTOR – Here are some of the important things that you need to know about this Filipino trait. The “Hiya Factor” refers to the cultural concept of shyness or embarrassment in Filipino society. It shows a sense of propriety, modesty, and concern for how one’s actions or behavior may affect their reputation or the … Read more

FIESTA CULTURE: Negative Impacts of This Culture to Filipinos


Fiesta Culture – Here are some of the negative impacts of this culture and tradition on the Filipino people. In the Philippines, fiestas are big celebrations that happen in towns and neighborhoods all across the country. They’re like giant parties where everyone comes together to have fun and celebrate special days. Fiestas happen for lots … Read more