BAPTISM: Popular Superstitions Surrounding Christening Ceremony

BAPTISM – Here are some of the most popular superstitions surrounding christening ceremony in the Philippines.

In many cultures, baptism is a sacred and joyful ceremony that brings families together to celebrate the acceptance of a newborn into the community of religion. Aside from the religious meaning, other superstitions and beliefs have arisen around the baptism ceremony, giving a layer of cultural depth to an already meaningful event.

One common superstition is the belief that a child should be baptized as soon as possible after birth. The tradition comes from the belief that a baby’s life is in danger until he or she is baptized.


It’s not about rushing, but about ensuring that the infant receives the sacrament’s protective blessings as soon as possible.

Another common misconception is that a newborn should cry throughout the baptism ceremony. While it may touch the hearts of those present, this myth claims that the tears shed during baptism have a purifying impact.

Crying is thought to be a defensive mechanism against bad spirits, representing the ejection of negative energies.


Some traditions dictate that the grandparents, particularly the paternal grandparents, should have the honor of choosing the name for the firstborn. This is believed to bring good luck and blessings to the child.

In certain cultures, there is a superstition that the family should leave the church immediately after the baptism ceremony. The belief is that if the parents manage to exit the church before others, especially before the child, it indicates that the child will grow up to be charismatic and appealing.

Some think that preserving a small portion of the water used at baptism can offer benefits and protection. This holy water may be used in various rites or kept as a symbolic token of purity by families.

There is a belief that after the baptism, the baby and parents should avoid looking into mirrors for a certain period. It is thought that doing so may prevent the child from becoming vain or encountering negative energy.

There are superstitions suggesting that certain rituals, prayers, or actions performed during the baptism ceremony help ward off evil spirits and protect the child from harm.

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