KURIPOT ATTITUDE: Facts About This Filipino Trait


KURIPOT ATTITUDE – Here are some important facts that you need to know about this Filipino trait. The term “kuripot attitude” originates from the Filipino language, where “kuripot” means being frugal with money. A person with a kuripot attitude is extremely cautious and hesitant to spend money, often even on necessities or reasonable expenses. Kuripot … Read more

HIYA FACTOR: Things You Need to Know About This Filipino Trait


HIYA FACTOR – Here are some of the important things that you need to know about this Filipino trait. The “Hiya Factor” refers to the cultural concept of shyness or embarrassment in Filipino society. It shows a sense of propriety, modesty, and concern for how one’s actions or behavior may affect their reputation or the … Read more

UTANG NA LOOB: Understanding the Real Meaning of This Filipino Cultural Tradition


UTANG NA LOOB – Here are some important details that may help us understand the true meaning of this Filipino cultural tradition. Utang na loob” is a Filipino term that roughly translates to “debt of gratitude” or “sense of indebtedness.” It refers to the feeling of obligation or indebtedness that one feels towards someone who … Read more

COLONIAL MENTALITY: Definition, Origin, and Facts About This Filipino Trait

Colonial Mentality

COLONIAL MENTALITY – Here is the definition, origin, and important facts about this Filipino trait that you should know. Colonial Mentality, or “kaisipang kolonyal” in Filipino, refers to an attitude ingrained in the minds of colonized people, where they perceive themselves as inferior or weaker compared to their colonizers, affecting the way they behave and … Read more

NINGAS-KUGON: Disappointing Trait About This Filipino Mentality

Ningas Kugon

NINGAS-KUGON – Here are some important things you need to know about this disappointing Filipino mentality. Ningas-Kugon” is a Filipino term that refers to a person who exhibits enthusiasm or determination at the beginning of a task or endeavor but loses interest or commitment as time goes on. This phrase refers to a tall, evergreen … Read more