BAPTISM: Popular Superstitions Surrounding Christening Ceremony


BAPTISM – Here are some of the most popular superstitions surrounding christening ceremony in the Philippines. In many cultures, baptism is a sacred and joyful ceremony that brings families together to celebrate the acceptance of a newborn into the community of religion. Aside from the religious meaning, other superstitions and beliefs have arisen around the … Read more

7 Fascinating Shark Facts

Shark Facts

Here are 7 Amazing Shark Facts SHARK FACTS – Here are seven (7) jaw-dropping facts that will make you rethink everything you thought you knew about sharks. Thanks to the 1975 blockbuster Jaws, an entire generation has grown up with the misconception that sharks are aggressive creatures actively seeking to attack anything in their path. … Read more

Pyramid Schemes: Alleged Scams In The Business World

pyramid schemes

Here are some of the alleged pyramid schemes Pyramid Schemes – In the world of business, these alleged schemes or scams caught the attention of many people. A pyramid scheme or scam relies on the recruitment of people to sell a product. It is more often retail-oriented. In this kind of business, recruits have to … Read more

Popular Pregnancy Superstitions in the Philippines

Popular Pregnancy Superstitions

PREGNANCY BELIEFS – Here are some of the popular superstitions about pregnancy in the Philippines that many Filipinos believe. Pregnancy is a natural process where a woman’s body carries and nurtures a developing baby in her uterus. It begins when a sperm cell fertilizes an egg during sexual intercourse. The fertilized egg, now called a … Read more

Egypt Does Not Hold The Record For Having The Highest Number Of Pyramids

Sudan Pyramids, Egypt

Egypt Does Not Possess The Highest Number of Pyramids Egypt doesn’t hold the title of the world’s pyramid capital, nor does it claim that distinction in northern Africa. Instead, that honor belongs to Sudan, Egypt’s southern neighbor. Thanks to movies, when many of us imagine a pyramid, our minds immediately transport us to Egypt, where … Read more

Sweet Caroline: The Mysteries In Neil Diamond’s Hit Unraveled

sweet caroline neil diamond

Neil Diamond created a music gem called “Sweet Caroline” Singer-songwriter Neil Diamond popularized the song Sweet Caroline which has become a go-to karaoke song for people in his generation and even the younger ones. Neil created this song in his hotel room in Memphis in 1969. Based on the article in Mental Floss, this was … Read more

5 Intriguing Facts About Fingerprints

fingerprint facts 1

Here Are Few Details About Fingerprints FINGERPRINT – In this article, you will uncover a total of five (5) intriguing insights that explore the fascinating world of fingerprints. You’ve likely been told that your fingerprints are distinctive, with no one else globally having the same ridge pattern on their fingertips as you. This uniqueness has … Read more

Top Filipino Superstitions & Beliefs About Wakes & Funerals

Top Filipino Superstitions

FUNERAL PRACTICES – Here are the most popular Filipino superstitions and beliefs about wakes and funerals. Wakes and funerals have long been associated with a lot of traditions and superstitions, woven into the fabric of various cultures. These beliefs often stem from a mix of ancient customs, cultural practices, and perhaps a touch of human … Read more